Could not bind socket
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Hannes Gouws
2008-07-28 19:44:16 UTC
Hi guys

When I launch my app I get an error could not bind socket addr in use.... I
only set http.active := true for the indy http server once in the program,
and only once.

My ip and port are

I have tried checking with "netstat -a -b -n" but nowhere can I find which
other app / service is using that ip / port combination.....

Any help would be great!

Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2008-07-28 22:56:38 UTC
Post by Hannes Gouws
When I launch my app I get an error could not bind socket addr in use....
You are trying to bind the local endpoint of your socket to a local IP/Port
that is already in use by another application, or to a previous instance of
your application that did not close its socket correctly.
Post by Hannes Gouws
I only set http.active := true for the indy http server once
in the program, and only once.
Do you set up any values in the Bindings collection beforehand?

