Squid Proxy connection failure with INDY
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Eder Gusatto
2008-07-09 21:01:25 UTC
Hello all,

I'm trying to connect through a Squid proxy but I just can't do it.
I'm using INDY 10.1.5 with Delphi 7 and TIdHttp with the following proxy

with IdHTTP.ProxyParams do
ProxyServer := sProxyServer;
ProxyPort := iProxyPort;
ProxyUsername := sProxyUser;
ProxyPassword := sProxyPass;

I'm also have included IdAuthenticationSSPI, IdAuthenticationDigest and
idAuthentication to the uses clause for automatic detection and setting of
NTLM and Basic athentication.

When I try to IdHTTP.Get('http://www.google.com') it doesn't pass through
the proxy and the resulting headers are:

Server: squid/2.6.STABLE15+PatchSets-20070903
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 20:49:39 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1389
Expires: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 20:49:39 GMT
Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM
Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="Squid proxy-caching web server"
X-Cache: MISS from {server name}
Via: 1.0 {server name}:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE15+PatchSets-20070903)
Proxy-Connection: close

The original server name was replaced for {server name} for privacy

Any clue about this problem?
Have I missed something?
Is it possible to do it with INDY or do I need another compenent? If I do,
what would it be, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Éder Gusatto
Likedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/egusatto
Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2008-07-09 23:07:28 UTC
Post by Eder Gusatto
I'm using INDY 10.1.5
That is an old version. The current version is 10.2.3. Try upgrading and
see if the problem continues.
Post by Eder Gusatto
I'm also have included IdAuthenticationSSPI, IdAuthenticationDigest
and idAuthentication to the uses clause for automatic detection and
setting of NTLM and Basic athentication.
Try using IdAuthenticationNTLM instead of IdAuthenticationSSPI.

Eder Gusatto
2008-07-10 13:54:05 UTC
Hi there,
Post by Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
That is an old version. The current version is 10.2.3. Try upgrading and
see if the problem continues.
Try using IdAuthenticationNTLM instead of IdAuthenticationSSPI.
I'm now using IdAuthenticationNTLM and I have also upgraded to INDY 10.2.3,
but the problem persists.

Server: squid/2.6.STABLE15+PatchSets-20070903
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 13:36:45 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1389
Expires: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 13:36:45 GMT
Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM
Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="Squid proxy-caching web server"
X-Cache: MISS from {server name}
Via: 1.0 {server name}:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE15+PatchSets-20070903)
Proxy-Connection: close

The problem is only reported with squid proxies.
Any idea?
Once I've been told tha INDY couldn't handle squid proxies and I should try
another components, is that true?

Thanks for your help.

Éder Gusatto
Likedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/egusatto
Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2008-07-10 17:14:07 UTC
Post by Eder Gusatto
I'm now using IdAuthenticationNTLM and I have also upgraded
to INDY 10.2.3, but the problem persists.
What does the original HTTP request look like?
Post by Eder Gusatto
Once I've been told tha INDY couldn't handle squid proxies
and I should try another components, is that true?
I have no clue. I have never worked with Squid proxies before.

