nntp comp has me stumped...go figure
(too old to reply)
2008-06-24 22:41:03 UTC
Can anyone tell me why the following does not work with the tidnntp

myPort := 119;
IdNNTP1.Connect('nntp.charter.net', myPort);

when i try this i get "bad command usage".

if i assign an intercept and an iohandler i get "connection closed


Sorry, i am very new to this comp, and cannot even get it to connect to my
newsgroup server that is provided by charter. it does not require login or
anything, i have used many ng readeers to connect to it, and i wanted to
write my own. (for fun)

any help anyone can give to point me in the right direction would be greatly
appreciated. The only demo i could find for this comp is in VB not delphi.

Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2008-06-24 23:29:32 UTC
Post by dave
Can anyone tell me why the following does not work with
the tidnntp component?
You did not say which version of Indy you are using.
Post by dave
when i try this i get "bad command usage".
TIdNNTP.Connect() sends several commands internally. Any one of them could
be failing. The only way to diagnose your problem is to look at the
underlying NNTP command/reply traffic with an external packet sniffer, or a
TIdLog... component.

