Delphi2007 Indy SSL problems
(too old to reply)
2008-06-10 12:13:42 UTC
I've updated from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2007 and I'm having serious problems
with the SSL connections.

I've made a component that use the IdHTTP component to connecto to a
server, it worked fine with
Delphi 7, but in 2007 when I recompile it I get different errors depending
on SSL libraries etc.
that I use.

Where can I download WORKING OpenSSL DLLs for Indy 10? None that I've
found work, I get either
EIdOSSLCouldNotLoadSSLLibrary or EIdReadTimeout depending on the DLL

- Jani
Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2008-06-10 16:57:00 UTC
Post by v***@nospam.freelancersrealm.net
I've updated from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2007 and I'm having
serious problems with the SSL connections.
You are probably using the wrong OpenSSL DLLs for your version of Indy.
Post by v***@nospam.freelancersrealm.net
I've made a component that use the IdHTTP component to
connecto to a server, it worked fine with Delphi 7, but in 2007
when I recompile it I get different errors depending on SSL
libraries etc. that I use.
Different versions of Indy use different DLL versions.
Post by v***@nospam.freelancersrealm.net
Where can I download WORKING OpenSSL DLLs for Indy 10?
The current Indy version uses the official DLLs from OpenSSL's website.
Indy stopped using custom DLLs awhile ago.

Jani Alanen
2008-06-11 05:51:02 UTC
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:57:00 +0300, Remy Lebeau (TeamB) =
Post by v***@nospam.freelancersrealm.net
I've updated from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2007 and I'm having
serious problems with the SSL connections.
You are probably using the wrong OpenSSL DLLs for your version of Indy=

My Indy version is 10.1.15, that's what came with the Delphi 2007. I can=
't =

find anything in the documentation
stating what version I should use and why the needed DLLs are not includ=
ed =

included with the installation?
Why ship a half-assed partially working product in the first place =

Post by v***@nospam.freelancersrealm.net
Where can I download WORKING OpenSSL DLLs for Indy 10?
The current Indy version uses the official DLLs from OpenSSL's website=
Indy stopped using custom DLLs awhile ago.

I can't find any binaries there, only some C source code a link to this =

site http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
and I've already tried those binaries and they won't work any better tha=
n =


In the Delphi 2007 documentation was a link to this site =

http://www.intelicom.si/index.php?newlang=3Deng, the link is actually
broken, but I managed to find a download link on that site to DLLs which=

work with my program which I compiled with Delphi7
using Indy9, but not when I recompile it with Delphi 2007 and Indy10.

- Jani
mark horrocks
2008-06-11 15:58:22 UTC
Post by Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
You are probably using the wrong OpenSSL DLLs for your version of Indy.
My Indy version is 10.1.15, that's what came with the Delphi 2007. I can't
find anything in the documentation stating what version I should use and
why the needed DLLs are not included included with the installation?
You need to upgrade your version of Indy to 10.2.3. This version works with
the latest SSL libraries.

Indy 10.2.3 is available from here http://indy.fulgan.com/ZIP/

The latest SSL libraries are available from here
Why ship a half-assed partially working product in the first place
You mean Windows?

Make sure you completely uninstall and remove your current version of Indy


Mark Horrocks
Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
2008-06-11 16:41:29 UTC
"Jani Alanen" <***@nospam.freelancersrealm.net> wrote in message news:***@nev-03.nevinet.local...
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:57:00 +0300, Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
Post by Jani Alanen
My Indy version is 10.1.15, that's what came with the Delphi 2007.
Try using the custom DLLs that are linked to on Indy's website:

Post by Jani Alanen
why the needed DLLs are not included included with the installation?
Because export laws do not allow them to be.
Post by Jani Alanen
Post by Remy Lebeau (TeamB)
The current Indy version uses the official DLLs from OpenSSL's
website. Indy stopped using custom DLLs awhile ago.
The official OpenSSL website is http://www.openssl.org. You need Indy
10.2.3 to use it.
Post by Jani Alanen
I can't find any binaries there, only some C source code a link to
this site http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
If you look at that page again more closely, you will see the link for
downloading the installer for the precompiled binaries. It is in right in
the middle of the page.
Post by Jani Alanen
That and I've already tried those binaries and they won't work
any better than others.
The Indy version you are using is not set up to use the official DLLs, hense
why I directed you to try the custom DLLs that Indy provides separately.
Post by Jani Alanen
In the Delphi 2007 documentation was a link to this site
http://www.intelicom.si/index.php?newlang=eng, the link is
actually broken
That is an old link. The current English page is now:


The actual Indy OpenSSL DLL download link is:


